
For those who don’t know, I run a campaign called GOSAC (Give Our Strays A Chance) – I love helping the stray animals.
However, while In Mongolia I won’t be able to pat any stray animals or interact with them 🙁
Rabies is widespread in Mongolia and mortality rate if unvaccinated (before and after) is almost 100%.  Even if vaccinated, no contact with stray animals is recommended.

Today I visited the travel doctor to see which vaccines I need for my trip.
I talked to a really nice doctor from “Travel Health Plus”, he was super helpful when it came to the knowledge of vaccines and threats. We went over the list of vaccines and it turns out…. I need 7 injections!

The doctor advised to wear long sleeves and pants as there are ticks in the bushes and trees when we go up north near the Russian border. No eating uncooked food (including salads) and only drinking clean water out of my special life straw bottle.

I was able to get two injections out of the way today, it is incredible how quick and painless the injections are thanks to the awesome nurse. I will be going back several times in the next month for the rest of my vaccines and will also be getting a shot on my birthday, what an amazing present!

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