The Trans Mongolian Train

In the morning Finn and I woke up a bit earlier to prepare breakfast and hot water for drinks as we were on catering duty for the day. Everyone else woke up and we began serving out breakfast. We packed up everything in our campsite and donated the leftover food from the trek to the family that was hosting us in their backyard.

The state bus arrived and we rode on the bus for 6 hours all the way to Erdenet. The bus was very packed with the seats very close to each other. They even had fold out chairs in the isle so when all the other chairs are full they can fold these out.

Packed State Bus

On the way we stopped at a small community market which sold a lot of milk products.
We tried fermented mares milk which had a very powerful bitter taste, it is a very acquired taste. I also had a local ice cream which was very nice as well.


Milk Market

The Trans Mongolian (Trans Siberian) Train.
After the bus ride, we arrived at the train station and organised all our bags.

The Trans Mongolian Train

As soon as the train came, we sat in our designated cabins with our groups. The Trans-Mongolian which is also called Trans Siberian train travels through Russia and Mongolia. The cabin rooms were quite small which meant that there are two sets of bunk beds with a table in the middle.

Our cabin

We stayed in the second class of three classes, so we had more room than the lowest class. Most of the afternoon on the train ride everyone was just chilling out in the hallway where we could see the amazing views of the sunset and gers across the plains.

Hanging in the hallway


Mongolian village through the train’s window


Sunset over the Steppes of Mongolia

After the sun set we all went to sleep. It was really cool to go to sleep by looking out the window, seeing the train rolling and listening to the motion of the wheels.

Going to sleep on the Trans Mongolian

Everyone had to wake up at 5AM so we could start packing away our equipment in preparation for when we arrive in Ulaanbaatar.

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